Monthly Planner

When my net worth is zero, it is important to me that every cents count. I need a plan, a free plan. I had a sheet made from excel and use that as my planner. Now, I treat this loosely like my monthly event planner with cost in mind. Here’s how it looks like so…

My experiment on digital marketing

This story is not about this website. Lyn & Ringgit do not have such a high following, and I have nothing to sell. For some celestial reason, earning from blogging is not my forte. Furthermore, this website cost me $15 a year, which means I don’t qualify for web hosting MLM offers. I try my hands on…

Money Diaries: Aug 2018

This month did not come as easy as I thought. Travel for work on my expenses, pay for car engine oil and eating out all the time. In total, I spent RM4579.85. About RM400 is duly wasted for work, but most of the spend is because I got addicted to spending. My dividend took a…

The cheap minimalist

Being a minimalist should save you money, but being a cheap minimalist is guaranteed to save you money. A year ago, I had enough things. It felt like the stuff I own could last me a lifetime, I am tired of shopping, and I want less. But now I find the need to slowly buying…

2018 Half Year Goals

Mid-year always feels like I have not done enough for the year. There are times that I have even forgotten what I wish to accomplish on the first day of the year. I guess there must be X-muted people out there that never fails to do what they want but I don’t uphold my goals…

One Step To Change Your Life

Lyn & Ringgit is turning 2! For the past two years, I am challenged to be accountable for my lifestyle inflation (Like to pay or not-to-pay for web-hosting). And most importantly, inspired to retire early with just a simple life change. I found this idea on the internet about how everyone could accumulate $1mil and…